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Better Questions Will Get You Better Answers
Better Answers Will Get You Better Outcomes
Successful Medical Appointments Don’t Just Happen, They Are Created By Thoughtful Preparation.
Cancer ABCs will help Yo To Develop Better Questions For Your Next Medical Appointment.
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Welcome to Cancer ABCs™; we’re glad you’ve found us. We’re a non-profit organization dedicated to helping people diagnosed with cancer, including multiple cancers and rare cancers. We hope to help you become a happy and healthy
A CANCER THRIVER is a person who flourishes despite having been diagnosed with cancer.
The Covid-19 Papers
Cancer ABC’s Commitment
The Impact of Racism on the Cancer Burden Facing Asian Americans
Black Patients Matter - A White PrivilEged Female Advocate
On Being Diagnosed with Cancer
Fear and Cancer
Is Your Fear of A Cancer Diagnosis Keeping You Away from the Doctor? (video)
Developing a Positive Mind Set
Your Vital Work Assignment
When Will You Die ? - Predicting Your Death
When Will You Die ? – Understanding Cancer Statistics
Multiple and Rare Cancers – An Experiential Interview (video)
The Types of Doctors You Need On Your Healthcare Team
How to Find and Build Your Healthcare Team
How to Find Complaints About Your Healthcare Team
Managing Your Healthcare Team
Communicating with Your Healthcare Team
Receiving Your Routine Healthcare
Make Your Medical Record Notebook
Getting A Second Doctor’s Opinion
Pathology - Getting Second Opinions
Scans - Getting a Second Opinion
Understanding and Using Your Blood Test Results
Treatment Decision Traps
Palliative Care - Improving QoL and Survival
Applying Game Theory to Cancer Treatment and Clinics Trials
Cancer Increases Risk for Stroke & Heart Attack
Coping With Cancer-Related Fatigue
The Economic Burden of Cancer
Negotiate Your Bill
Get Drug C0-Pay Assistance
Medicare - Home Care Benefits
Take An Ambulance To Your Doctor or to Urgent Care
Appealing A Medicare Drug Refusal Because of a Formulary Issue
Stop Taking AntiOxidates
Online Pharmacies
Disposing of Drugs
Take An Ambulance To Your Doctor or to Urgent Care
Stop Taking Antioxidants
Helping Children With Cancer Understand What To Expect
Caregiving - Perfection was Never the Goal
Caregivers Need TLC
Caregiving and Decision Making
Cancer Wisdom and Meditations
Cancer Humor
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thriver stories - Michelle St. Germaine
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does anyone on here live in north east and north Cumbria and is willing to share their cancer journey with us?
we are working with the NENC cancer teams as a patient service improvement network Are there any patients that are willing to share their cancer journey stories with us with a view of Shari g best practice and improving services?
psa the guard at the gate
So I know i've been obsessing about psa testing lately , My brother at my encouragement had his psa checked ,it was 6 ,then he had biopsy of his prostate it came back positive gleason score 6 stage1 and thankfully his doctor can keep their eye on this cancer .I found out about all this yesterday.You should not have to ask for a PSA test it should
living well with a ticking time bomb
This is how I feel with widespread bone metastasis to my bones. however with degarelix ,abiraterone and denosumab for bone strength I now go through life as I did before. but for how long ? My baseline psa a year ago was 1316 with de novo prostate cancer I am now almost 72 and this was the first psa test i ever had, digital exams always indi
Learn Yoga and Mindfulness to improve your quality of life this New Year!
We are NatiaCares, an integrative medicine app that aims to improve the quality of life of those affected by cancer. We are conducting a short 2-week PAID study that aims to measure the impact of integrative medicine on cancer survivors' quality of life. During the study, you will be given a year membership of the NatiaCares app (a £14.99 value)
Join Patient Empowerment Network for a Myeloma Webinar on November 16th at 1pm EST (10am PT, 12pm CT)
Join Patient Empowerment Network for a Myeloma webinar entitled "[b]Expert Advice for Navigating Myeloma Treatment and Care Decisions" [/b]on November 16th at 1pm EST (10 AM PT, 12 PM CT). In this webinar, myeloma experts Dr. Irene Ghobrial, Dr. Omar Nadeem, and Dr. Betsy O’Donnell, will review essential testing that may impact the care and treat
advice please after radiotherapy and chemo
Hello, I’m hoping you are all well. would anyone have advice on lessening remaining adverse effects of chemo please? I’ve finished for a month but still have a lots of tingling in hands and also very painful soles of feet feels like walking on glass. Have very comfy sketchers shoes but not helping. Thank you John
Treatment characteristics desired by renal cell carcinoma patients.
I am trying to learn more about health issues that are priority for the patients and their expectations for possible treatments. [b]I am conducting series of preference studies around the APAC region to understand patient preference and satisfaction with the patient care.[/b] Such preference studies may provide valuable insights into the treatment
Share Your Experience (Prostate Cancer)
Hello! We are a group of UC Berkeley students collecting stories and insights about people who experienced prostate cancer through our Capstone project. Due to past familial experiences, many of us on the team were inspired to enter into healthcare to potentially change the prostate treatment landscape in the future by bringing about greater access
Clinical trials - would you participate?
Has anyone heard of Prof. Gershom Zajicek, MD, Professor of Experimental Medicine and Cancer Research, Faculty of Medicine, Hebrew University of Jerusalem? If you have, what do you think of his statements about clinical trials where he says that a) clinical trials are designed to use participants, not to help them, and b) a clinical trial is an ind
Hello. my name is Ryan. My daughter Alyvia, age 15, has osteosarcoma. A bone cancer. She was diagnosed march 2019. It started in her knee. She went thru the standard regiment of chemo for child hood cancer of this type and a knee replacement, here in Atlanta GA. It reoccurred in her hip and then we had a hip replacement. Then showed spots in both l