Do You Want To Become A Peer Reviewer for the Department of Defense Prostate Cancer Program?

Cancer ABCs is recruiting thriver reviewers to participate in the Department of Defense Prostate Cancer Research Program’s (DoD PCRP) peer review panels. If you are interested in helping to decide what are the important research projects for men with prostate cancer then let me know.

Congress has appropriated $90.0 million this year (the fiscal year 2017) for the Program. Cancer ABCs has been asked to nominate patient Thrivers like you to help decide how best to spend these funds.

Research applications submitted for funding go through a 2-tier review process to identify the best research applications. In the first tier— peer review—applications are reviewed for technical merit. In the second tier—programmatic review— applications are compared to each other, and final funding recommendations are made based on technical merit, the relevance to the mission of the DoD and the PCRP, the specific intent of the award mechanism and the overall balance of the program.

If you do participate approximately four weeks before the peer review meetings, scientist and consumer Thriver reviewers will be provided applications to review.  As a consumer Thriver reviewer, you will be asked to provide written reviews of the applications on the significance of the proposed work as it relates to improved medical care, enhanced quality of life, and the potential of the work to make an impact toward ending prostate cancer.

Preparation time prior to the peer review meeting is estimated to be at least 40 hours and includes mandatory orientations and training.  You will be reimbursed for your time.


Peer review panels meet for formal discussions of the applications, at which time scientists and consumers present their comments orally. Following deliberation, the panel scores each application’s merit. Panel meetings will be held onsite and also by teleconference or video teleconferences.

The peer review meetings are tentatively scheduled for:

· October 4 – 5, 2017 (via teleconference)

· October 22 – 24, 2017 (Onsite)

· November 12 – 14, 2017 (Onsite)

· December 17 – 19, 2017 (Onsite)

Onsite meetings are usually held in the metropolitan Washington, DC area. Travel accommodations, meals, and a consultant’s fee will be provided to each consumer thriver reviewer who participates in the full review process.

If you are interested in learning more about this program or have any questions or concerns please email me at

Joel T. Nowak, MA, MSW wrote this Post.  Joel is the CEO/Executive Director of Cancer ABCs.  He is a Cancer Thriver diagnosed with 5 primary cancers - Thyroid, Metastatic Prostate, Renal, Melanoma and a rare cancer, Appendiceal Cancer.