Corona Virus

COVID-19 and Air Conditioning

We know that being in either a well ventilated area or outside, along with social distancing and wearing a mask provides the safest environment to avoid either becoming infected with COVID-19 or spreading it. But, what about if you are inside with an air conditioning running?

The Huffington Post published an discussion about this question. Read their post at:

Shopping During the Coronavirus Outbreak

Shopping During the Coronavirus Outbreak

Do you think that you should go to the grocery store right now? If you can, try not to; having groceries delivered is the safest option. If you must go then follow these safety tips.

The first tip is DON’T GO! - If you can stay home and have your groceries delivered or have a friend or family member bring them to you this is your best choice. Cancer Thrivers are in one of the high-risk groups, so don’t take the chance.