Hormone Therapy

Hope - Maybe Changing Hormone Therapy?

Hope - Maybe Changing Hormone Therapy?

The mainstay for prostate cancer treatment at all stages is hormone therapy (ADT), but ADT eventually fails. A team at Duke Cancer Institute has been working on an alternative treatment approach that would bypass this problem.

Phase III HERO Study Meets Primary Efficacy Endpoint in Men with Advanced Prostate Cancer 

Phase III HERO Study Meets Primary Efficacy Endpoint in Men with Advanced Prostate Cancer 

If your doctor gave you a choice to take hormone therapy (ADT) using the traditional injection every month, three months, or every six months or to take a daily pill, which would you opt to do? Prepare yourself; you might be facing this question sometime in the later part of 2020! 

Does Hormone Therapy (ADT) Work?

Through the work of Huggins et al. [1] in 1941, it was shown that metastatic prostate cancer responds positively to an orchiectomy (surgical castration). We now know that there isn’t any other therapy which produces a more reliable regression of both distant and local disease than androgen withdrawal (ADT). 

Hormone Therapy Negatively Impacts African American Men

A study found that African American men had a higher rate of death from non-prostate cancer problems than non-African American men after receiving short-term hormone therapy (ADT) prior to having brachytherapy (seeds).  There are significant implications beyond this research for African Americans using ADT for any purpose, including he treatment of advanced (progressive) prostate cancer.