Bone Metastases

Role and Precautions About to the Use of Bisphosphonate Drugs

Once a man with metastatic prostate cancer becomes castrate resistant (mCRPC) it is common to add a bisphosphonate like injectable zoledronic acid (Zometa) or denosumab (Xgeva) to his drug regimen.  Like all other drugs, bisphosphonates have unwanted side effects, some which can be mediated. 

Xofigo Probably Can Be Used More Than Once

Early results from an international, open-label, phase 1/2 trial (NCT01934790) showed that it is possible to successfully re-treat men with the drug known as Xofigo (Ra-223).  The study found that when used a second time, Xofigo was well tolerated and that it provides favorable effects on the cancer’s progression.