Survival Advantage

Statins and Vitamin D Might Reduce the Risk of Death in Men with Castrate Resistant Prostate Cancer Taking Zytiga 

Statins and Vitamin D Might Reduce the Risk of Death in Men with Castrate Resistant Prostate Cancer Taking Zytiga 

In this data analysis from two prospective randomized clinical trials, statin and vitamin D use was associated with superior overall survival in men with metastatic CRPC who were treated with Zytiga and prednisone.

Ablative Radiation Increases Survival in Some Newly Diagnosed Men with Metastatic Prostate Cancer

In certain men newly diagnosed with Advanced Prostate Cancer, or metastatic prostate cancer debunking the tumor with radiation can increase survival advantage.

Men Diagnosed with Advanced Prostate Cancer Have a Longer Survival if They Have Surgery Followed by Radiation

One of the on-going debates surrounds the question, should men with newly diagnosed advanced prostate cancer have a radical prostatectomy (RP).  In a retrospective study, it was found that men lived longer if they had an RP followed by adjuvant radiotherapy (XRT). The study was reported in, Cancer, a very reputable Journal.

African American Men Might Have a Survival Advantage Over Caucasian Men!

In a surprising analysis it was determined that the overall survival (OS) between African American and Caucasian men with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) favors African Americans!

Choosing Docetaxel or Zytiga

Both Taxotere (docetaxel) and Zytiga (abiraterone) are approved for newly diagnosed men with very aggressive prostate cancer and who have not yet had any exposure to hormone therapy (ADT).  

The two approvals lead us to the question, which of these treatment options would be best for you? 

Confirming The Value of Early Docetaxel in Men With Metastatic Hormone-Sensitive Prostate Cancer

Docetaxel combined with ADT, in men with hormone sensitive prostate cancer, when prescribed as per a study’s protocol led to significantly longer overall survival as well as other positive effects in men with metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer who received only ADT. 

Two Studies Released At ASCO Demonstrate A Survival Advantage For Men Who Take Early Zytiga With ADT

Two game changing trials demonstrated that the early use of Zytiga along with hormone therapy (ADT) can provide a significant survival advantage for men with aggressive, hormone naive prostate cancer.  The data is very clear for men with metastatic disease, but there remains some controversy if this holds up for men who are not metastatic.